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Thursday, February 25, 2010
Brown Recluse Spider vs. Hobo Spider
The brown recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa, is a well-known member of the family Sicariidae (formerly placed in a family "Loxoscelidae").
It is usually between 6–20 mm (¼ in and ¾ in), but may grow larger. It is brown and sometimes an almost deep yellow color and usually has markings on the dorsal side of its cephalothorax, with a black line coming from it that looks like a violin with the neck of the violin pointing to the rear of the spider, resulting in the nicknames fiddleback spider, brown fiddler or violin spider. Coloring varies from light tan to brown and the violin marking may not be visible. To read more on the Brown Recluse Spider of the Wikipedia Article.
The hobo spider (Tegenaria agrestis) is a member of the genus of spiders known colloquially as funnel web spiders. It is one of a small number of spiders in North America whose bites are generally considered to be medically significant. Individuals construct a funnel-shaped structure of silk sheeting and lie in wait at the small end of the funnel for prey insects to blunder onto their webs. Hobo spiders sometimes build their webs in or around human habitations. Although this species of spider has a reputation for aggressiveness, they will normally avoid contact with humans. Most bites occur when the spider is accidentally crushed or squeezed by a human. The spider's venom is strong enough to cause considerable local pain and there are reports that it may cause tissue death (necrosis) at and near the bite.
To read more on the Hobo Spider of the Wikipedia Article.
Hobo Spider Bite ~
My son who was 7 yrs. old at the time, got a spider bite at his school playground. This was very painful bite, he said it burned a lot, with lots of pain. Even though he was in a lot of pain he did not get to sick from this bite. When he showed me the bite, I called the doctor immediately to get him seen by the doctor. The doctor gave him medication to put on the bite. Now after 2 yrs he still has a scar from the bite, but in due time that will go away. I am very thankful that we got it treated in time before it got to bad and before he got very sick. Spider bites from a Brown Recluse, Hobo, or Black Widow are not to be taken likely, seek medical attention immediately for the fast and best treatment.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Signs of a Rodent Problems:

Rodents spread disease, damage structures and contaminate food and feed. Rodents damage one-fifth of the world's food crop each year.
The real damage is in contamination. One pair of rodents shed more than one million body hairs each year and a single rodent leaves 25,000 droppings in a year.
The Rodent is by far the largest mammalian order; nearly half of all mammal species are rodents.The approximately 4,000 rodent species are divided on the basis of their anatomy into three well-defined groups, or suborders, and more than 30 families.
Signs of a rodent problem is:
1. Fresh droppings are dark in color and soft in texture, but after three days they harden and lose the dark color.
2. Rodents always travel the same runways and leave "smudge marks" - a buildup of dirt and oil from their fur - along walls, pipes, gnawed openings and beams and rafters.
3. Rodents keep indoor runways, or well-used paths free of cobwebs, debris and dust. Outside, runways appear as narrow paths through vegetation. 4. Rodents make sounds when climbing, clawing and moving.
5. If dogs or cats unexplainable get excited, rats are probably moving about in wall voids or ceilings.
6. Damaged goods. Roof rats prefer fruits, vegetables, and cereal whereas, Norway rats prefer meat fish and cereal.
The key to any rat or rodent control program is pest identification, sanitation, elimination, and rat-proofing your home .
Why Rodent Control:
* World Health Organization estimates that about 33 million tons of food is destroyed world-wide each year.
* Rodents destroy property by their constant chewing.
* Rodents can put livestock at risk of death and disease.
* Rodents can carry diseases to humans such as rat bite fever, eptospirosis, salmonellosis, and plague to name a few.
To control rodents, you must "think like a rodent". The best way to control rodents is to prevent their entry. Rodents are able to squeeze through extremely small openings. Cracks in the foundation 1/4 inch and larger should be sealed, as should gaps and openings under doors and where utility pipes enter the structure.
Good sanitation and food storage practices are helpful in reducing problems. Since seeds are a preferred food, all adjacent to the building should likewise be eliminated. However, because rodents are able to occupy such small nesting areas and survive on minute amounts of food, sanitation alone will not normally eliminate an existing infestation.
And if your Rodent Problem is to much for you to handle give us a call or email and we will be more than happy to take care of this for you.
We have a Winter Special on Rodent Treatment going on right now, just click on this link to Coupons and Specials
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